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10.15.90 RW50 JCR
ACCOUNTING: RealWorld 5.0, RealWorld
RealWorld has recently been tested successfully both in house and by RealWorld, using the network version
of RealWorld 5.0 and LANtastic NOS 3.0X. Earlier versions of LANtastic are not compatible with RealWorld
due to specific problems with certain versions of COBOL. Those problems have been resolved through NOS
3.00. Before continuing this bulletin, if you are not using RealWorld 5.0 and LANtastic NOS 3.00 or greater,
we strongly recommend that you upgrade and reinstall both products.
Installing RealWorld on LANtastic:
RealWorld should be installed on the LANtastic server. The network does not need to be active during this
process. To install RealWorld, insert the disk labelled 'INSTALLATION DISK' in the floppy drive and from
that floppy prompt type: INSTALL X:\PATH, where X: is the local hard disk drive device and \PATH is the
directory in which RealWorld should be installed (ie INSTALL C:\RWC). The installation will prompt for
a Program A disk - insert the first disk of the program you wish to install. Follow the prompts to continue
the installation. When that program has been installed, the system will ask to insert a new (program A) disk
or to press <ESC> to exit. You may continue to install the other RealWorld programs in this manner. Once
they have been installed, press the <ESC> key to exit the installation program. Follow the prompts to exit.
NOTE: It is recommended to install all RealWorld program and data files on the same hard disk drive. If this
is not possible, the files may be installed on different drives. If the drive is defined as part of a path by the
Pathfinder program, each workstation must redirect to that drive letter. Please refer to the "LANtastic
Networking Environment" addendum from the RealWorld manual for more information.
Once all RealWorld programs have been installed, activate the network (if you have not already done so) and
create a resource for the directory in which RealWorld has been installed (ie create a resource called RW with
a physical link path of C:\RWC - see example above), and for any other network devices that you wish to
access across the network. Each user (including the user on the RealWorld server) should log into the
RealWorld server, use the RealWorld resource and any other network devices:
1. NET LOGIN \\SERVER USER_NAME PASSWORD - where \\Server is the name of the RealWorld
server, and User_Name and Password have been configured on that server through Net_Mgr.
2. NET USE X: \\SERVER\RESOURCE - where X: is the redirected drive designation and Resource
is the RealWorld resource configured (ie Net use F: \\Server\RW)
3. NET USE LPTX \\SERVER\@RESOURCE - where LPTX is the printer port the user wishes to
redirect and @Resource is the printer resource configured on the Server.
4. From the redirected prompt, load RealWorld by typing in RW.
The users are not required to run RealWorld from the same drive designation.
Configuration - Company Information
Once installed, RealWorld should be loaded (this may be done from the server) and the CTL configuration
must be setup. At the menu, hi-light CTL and select Company Information. The first page consists of
information on your company and on the RealWorld menu selections. Enter the appropriate company
information. The default values for menu selections should be correct, this indicates which items appear on
the pull-down menus after RW has been loaded. You may change these values by selecting the item number
and entering the new value (Y/N).
Configuration - Company Information / Printer
The second page of Company information handles the Printer Setup. RealWorld allows up to five printers to
be configured. This configuration is GLOBAL and cannot be unique for each user. When adding printing
devices, the DEVICE NAME should be the PORT you wish to print to (LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, COM1, COM2).
The system will prompt you to indicate if the printer has only 80 columns. By answering YES, the system will
provide a selection of printer drivers available. Select the driver which best suits this device. When printing
a report, the system will provide the option of printing to either of these 5 devices, to the screen, or to a file.
Each device (LPT1, LPT2, etc) should be redirected to the appropriate server before loading RealWorld.
Printing - Local / Network
If a user wishes to print to a local device (ie LPT1), that user (with the exception of the user on the printer
server) should not redirect their local port to a network device (ie that user should not issue a NET USE
LPT1 command). Any output designated to LPT1 from that workstation will then print locally, and not
through the network. A device should be created in RealWorld with a device name of LPT1 and the
appropriate driver should be selected. When creating the device list in RealWorld, the same device name may
be used more than once to accommodate different drivers. For example, if more than one user has a local
LPT1 device they wish to print to, more than 1 device can be set up in RealWorld with the same device name
of LPT1. When the user selects a report to print, they can then indicate which printer the report should print
to. For example, printer 1 can have a device name of LPT1 with the IBM Graphics driver, printer 2 can have
a device name of LPT1 with the Tandy DMP 130 driver and Printer 3 can be the network printer with a device
name of LPT2. Any user wishing to share the network printing device would then issue a NET USE LPT2
command to share that LPT2 device. The network printer can be redirected to any port specification which
has been setup in RealWorld; it is not limited to LPT2 or LPT3.
Running RealWorld with Expanded Memory
RealWorld will use any Expanded memory (EMM) available on your system, which conforms to the LIM 4.0
specs. As when installing any EMM driver, please be sure to avoid any possible RAMBASE conflicts. If you
are running a LANtastic 2mbps adapter, you will need to exclude the RAMBASE selected on the adapter. For
example, your config.sys file may look like this (using Quarterdeck's QEMM.SYS) DEVICE=QEMM.SYS
RAM X=D000-D800, where D000-D800 may be the RAMBASE used by the network adapter.
Screen Display
RealWorld will automatically configure the display for use on color or monochrome monitors. If you are not
satisfied with the display it may be modified from the RealWorld directory:
SCRNPTCH /M - configures RealWorld for monochrome display
SCRNPTCH /C - configures RealWorld for color display
Please refer to "Appendixes" G.1 from your RealWorld Software Installation Guide for Network Systems for
more information.
Server Lockups
Network lockups are not common and may be a result of an incorrect network configuration, incompatible
software products or hardware related problems. You should be running the network version of RealWorld
5.0 with LANtastic NOS version 3.00 or greater. If you are not using these versions, we recommend first
upgrading your software and reinstalling both products. If the lockups persist with RealWorld loaded, try to
eliminate any possible software conflicts by removing and TSR memory resident utilities and removing any
expanded memory manager driver. If the problems continue, you may wish to contact our technical support
staff to check the network configuration and hardware.
Printing Problems - Local
If you are unable to print to your local device through RealWorld, first make sure that you do not have your
local device redirected through the network (unless your system is configured as the printer server) and make
sure you can print to that device through DOS. Load RealWorld and recreate a device with the device name
of the local port (ie LPT1) and select the appropriate driver. When selecting a report to print, be sure to
select the printer number of this device you have created. If you are unsure which driver to select, refer to your
printer manual for more information.
Printing Problems - Network
If you are unable to print to your network device through RealWorld, exit RealWorld, make sure the
appropriate device is redirected and make sure the printer server's queue is active. Once you are able to print
through the network, run RealWorld and recreate a device with the device name of the redirected printer (ie
LPT2 if you've issued a NET USE LPT2 \\Server\@Printer) and select the appropriate driver. As above, when
selecting a report to print, be sure to select the printer number of this device you have created.
This document has been designed to help with the installation and setup of RealWorld and to provide a
guideline for trouble shooting. If a unique problem arises which we are unable to resolve either through phone
contact with our technical support or through this bulletin, a problem report can be filed through our tech
support staff. Additional support is also available through documentation provided by RealWorld.
Any questions or suggestions on this bulletin may be mailed to our offices:
Artisoft, Inc.
575 East River Road, Tucson, AZ 85704
ATTN: Compatibility Department / RealWorld 5.0 Support.
Vendor Info:
RealWorld Corp.
282 Loudon Road, PO Box 2051
Concord, NH 03302-2051
(800)678-6336 or (603)224-2200